Thursday, June 28, 2007

17 hours later...

14 hours on the road, 1.5 hours waiting to get into a restaurant and two very tired, screaming little girls later... everyone is finally asleep.

We traveled from Los Angeles, CA to Grand Junction, CO today. That's almost 800 miles. The kids were amazing. They complained very little. They were well mannered in the restaurants and made us proud. Right up until it was time to go to bed. Then two extremely tired little girls went into melt down.

It was to be expected. The day had gone too smoothly. We needed a dose of reality. We have this down to nearly a science. Rocky always drives first and drives as far as she can while I answer email, and this year, write. Then I take over.

It was a great first day of the trip. I'd be happy if every day was like this!

We're back at it in the morning. We've got another 700 miles or so tomorrow... hopefully ending up in Lincoln, Nebraska.

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